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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Online Quiz On 8th Dec - "The I Quest"

Well we have some great news for quizzers.

For those who are bored with the normal online quizzes, here is some interesting and innovative one- "THE I QUEST".

------Below is the information regarding the quiz from THE I QUEST team----

Greetings from The I Quest team.

We proudly present to all of you, our first online quiz event. In my personal experience most online quizzes are slightly boring and we hope to change that, not only on the basis of the content but also on the basis of the innovative format and design. If you can’t wait to read through the rest of the post, just go to

Our eventual aim is to develop a killer facebook application for quiz lovers and we hope to do that soon. Till that happens, we want to engage quizzers via online quiz contests. The first one in the series is scheduled for 8th Dec from 8 PM to 12 PM.

The most important rule is “A player can play TheIQuest challenge with ONLY ONE registered user account. If a user is found using multiple accounts his/her accounts will be deleted and any prizes won by that account will be revoked.” For further details visit our Rules page.

Googling and using tineye is encouraged.

There is no registration fee and the event is open for everyone.

The prizes, sponsored by FlipGraph, are given below:

· Rank 1: highest total-FlipGraph gift voucher worth Rs. 1000

· Rank 2: 2nd highest total- FlipGraph gift voucher worth Rs. 750

· Rank 3: 3rd highest total- FlipGraph gift voucher worth Rs. 500

· Highest score in media-FlipGraph gift voucher worth Rs. 500

· Highest score in technology- FlipGraph gift voucher worth Rs. 500

· Highest score in sports-FlipGraph gift voucher worth Rs. 500

· Highest score in humanities- FlipGraph gift voucher worth Rs. 500

All necessary details about the rules & how to play the game are given on our website - As a matter of fact there is also an instructional video. You can connect with us on our facebook or twitter pages.

If you have any doubts, feel free to call Ravi Handa at +91-9461493393